President Joe Biden has firmly dispelled speculation about his political future, confirming his intention to seek re-election in 2024. Speaking at a rally in Madison on Friday, Biden addressed the rumors and doubts head-on.
“I’m the sitting President of the United States. I’m the nominee of the Democratic party. I’m staying in the race,” Biden declared emphatically.
He underscored his determination to continue his campaign, stating, “I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work. I’m staying in the race, and I will beat Donald Trump.”
Biden’s statement was in response to recent debates and polls that had cast doubt on his re-election bid. Shifting his focus to key issues, he highlighted his campaign’s core values.
“I want a country where women have the right to make their own healthcare decisions. Trump wants an America where abortion is banned and women are punished,” Biden asserted.
He continued, “Justice Sotomayor warned us in her dissent that, based on the majority decision, Trump could take out his opponents, take bribes, and lead a coup while president—and be immune to being held accountable. He really could become the dictator that he promised to be on day one.”
Biden expressed his commitment to preserving America’s democratic legacy, stating, “For over two centuries, America has been a free and democratic nation. I’ll be damned if in the year 2024—just two years before the 250th anniversary of our Declaration of Independence—Donald Trump takes that away.”
Concluding his speech, Biden vowed to stay the course in his re-election bid and to defeat Donald Trump in November.